


Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Virtually Helpful

So I joined the Single Over-Head Cam 4 Forum today.  I recognise some of the names on there from the DSS page.  I also recognise some of the bikes from previous Blog entries (hi Jamie Fitzharris).

It's great to go to a place where so many people have one thing in common, their love for a particular item/topic/place, etc.  It's easy to understand why people congregate to share their passion (except caravaners - who really understands the Caravan Club?).

Joining a group gives you a source of help and advice and an opportunity for friendship.  Lots of groups on Facebook offer the chance of riders meeting up for a day out on the open road.  Granted, you never know who you're going to meet up with.  That guy who constantly offers you invaluable advice could just be an annoying geek who has nothing else to share with you but, who knows, there may just be some good friends to make.

All I have to do now is find a group where I can learn how to change the time on my cooker and share stories of the lost hours over a glass of virtual wine.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Pillions with a spring in their step

The top CB400F was restored by our builder, Charlie Ridgeon.  He rode it up recently.  The engine has been stove enamelled and virtually all of our pattern parts have been used on this bike.  It is outstanding.

The bottom CB400F was restored by us, engine rebuilt and new primary/cam chains fitted.

Both of these are 76/77 models.  How do we tell?  Well, we can see that the pillion footrests have moved from the swinging arm to new brackets on the frame.  This meant that the passengers didn't look like they were going faster than the rider.  Their legs must have been like jelly by the time they got off the bike.

You will see that the Varnish Blue CB400F in the last post was an earlier model with the foot rests on the swinging arm.

I have to say I think I prefer the swinging arm model.  The pillion gets a more exciting ride than just sitting there.

Monday, 28 April 2014

New Zealand in April?

This is the latest CB400F to leave the DSS warehouse.  Lovingly restored it looks and sounds great.  Although I'm not so sure it's the perfect time on year for to buy a bike in New Zealand.  Their sunny days have drawn to a close and they are just entering into the long horrible winter that now seems a distant memory to us here in England.

What is your favourite stock colour?  The colours to choose from: Ruby Red, Varnish Blue, Parakeet Yellow tanks with black side panels or Candy Antares Red with pinstripes.

Is it important to stick with stock colours?  I mean Spiderman did don a black suit at times and nothing happened.  I have seen a few black CB400Fs and they look great.  We saw a white one in the last Blog entry owned by George Acolina which looks fantastic.  How about a tangerine orange?

Is the colour important?  Very!  Does it have to be stock to be perfect?  Technically, yes but who cares?